Monday, July 5, 2010

Helpful Tips For Your Birds Health and Longevity

There is nothing more disappointing than becoming attached to a new pet only to see his health deteriorate, or to find that he may not live as long as you had initially expected. If you keep some helpful tips in mind, and apply them in a practical, consistent manner, you will have the peace-of-mind of having a healthy bird who will be there to live with you and love you for a long, long time.

The very best way to ensure your new bird’s health and longevity is to make a few basic preparations before you purchase your pet. One part of this is to have as much knowledge as possible about your bird. Another is to be ready to put your knowledge into practical application. Even though your bird is a small animal, his care must be taken seriously in order to help him to stay in top-notch condition.

The most important point to keep in mind is that your new little friend is completely dependent upon you, his owner, to meet his needs for both everyday and emergency care, and to make sure he is safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy. If this sounds like a lot of responsibility, it is! When you have a little pet depending on you, it truly is a big responsibility. However, meeting your bird’s needs does not have to be difficult, time-consuming, or worrisome. When you are ready for the responsibility, it will show in how well you care for your new bird. You will see that it is a wonderful experience.

One of the first and most important keys in your bird’s health and longevity is to be sure that you purchase a healthy pet. Too many people make the mistake of selecting a bird on the spur of the moment, basing their decision on factors such as how cute he looks or his sweet personality, without giving enough thought and attention to the condition of the bird they buy. How can you be sure that your bird is in good health? The best way is to address this issue before you make your final decision. First, if you want a healthy bird it is essential for you to purchase one from a reputable dealer. If you have friends or relatives who have purchased and are happy with their own pet, this kind of recommendation is a good cue. However, it is still important for you to check into the dealer’s qualifications on your own.

As the more you know, the better chance you will have of finding a healthy bird, some time spent on this aspect of bird-shopping will have much value to you in the long-run. You can begin by asking the dealer or pet shop owner as many questions as you can think of. If the dealer is willing to patiently address your concerns and answer your questions, this is a positive sign. It shows that he is actually interested in his customers and his birds, and that he is not only concerned about making sales. Equally important is for him to be knowledgeable about the birds he sells. If he demonstrates a significant amount of knowledge about the birds, this will show you that he knows what is necessary for their care and their upkeep. In addition, the dealer who interacts in a pleasant manner with his birds, showing how much he cares for them and treats them well, is one whose birds are most likely to be in good health and a happy disposition of their own.

When you are visiting the pet shop, checking to see that it is well-maintained is also important. The store should be very clean, and reasonably tidy, yet free of any harmful aromas of disinfectants or cleaning solutions. The reason for this is that while disinfectants can actually be dangerous to the birds in general, they can also be a sign that odors are masked rather than the store being kept clean on a consistent basis. A well-maintained shop and a dealer who is both knowledgeable about his birds and is pleasant with their company, are two essential factors in deciding that this is the place where you should purchase your new pet. It is also a significant factor in helping you to be confident that the bird you purchase from this dealer is very likely to be in excellent health.

When people decide to buy a bird, one important point which they often overlook is the need to get a clean bill-of-health for their new pet before they take him home. Some simply do not think about this, while others dismiss it as unnecessary. If you want to be sure that the bird you have chosen is in perfect condition, and is most likely to remain healthy for a long time, this is something which you should take into consideration.

It is not difficult, nor time-consuming, or expensive, to have your new pet checked by a qualified veterinarian. You will see that it is well worth the effort. One important reason is to ensure that your bird is healthy before you take him home. Your veterinarian can evaluate him for numerous conditions, such as mites and other problems. If he finds any health issue with your bird, you would then have the option of purchasing a different bird, or having the one you have chosen treated for the problem. Knowing whether any issues exist before he goes home with you is the easiest way to start his new life with you.

The second reason why you should visit your veterinarian is to request his recommendations regarding your new bird’s further health care. While he may also have recommendations about the general everyday care of your bird, which can prove to be very useful to you, he can also advise you about how frequently your bird should have routine check-ups, when he will need vaccinations, and what you should do in the event of an emergency.

Although healthy birds do not require much professional attention, having a veterinarian whom you trust and know well, and listening carefully to his  advice, is one of the most positive steps you can take in the interest of your new pet’s health and longevity. It will also be a great assistance in helping you to feel more confident and prepared for taking care of your new friend.

Your veterinarian can provide you with information that will be quite valuable to you. He can inform you of any potential health risks which may be associated with your particular breed of bird, as well as any common illnesses. When you are aware of these possibilities, you will be much more prepared to deal with them if they do occur. You will know whether your bird needs medical attention, or whether it is something which you can deal with on your own.

As you have already learned in this book, taking good care of your bird is important for both his general well-being and his relationship with you. It is also an essential factor in his health and longevity. The better your bird is cared for, on a consistent and loving basis, the healthier he will be and the longer he will live.

First, providing a safe environment for your bird has numerous benefits. An environment which is free from any potential dangers will go a long way in preventing unnecessary accidents. A safe environment is one where the risk of harm is as minimal as possible. This means that your bird’s living area should not contain poisonous plants, the use of any kind of toxic chemicals, devices which give off too much heat or cold air, and that your bird is not left unsupervised with other pets or small children. When you assess your bird’s environment to be sure of its safety, you will not only be improving his living space, you will also be helping him to live longer and healthier.

Second, taking your bird’s general everyday care seriously will also help to keep him in the best of health, the happiest mood, and increase his longevity. Although birds are very lowmaintenance pets, you cannot afford to approach his care in a haphazard manner. While taking good care of him promotes good health, being consistent about it is equally important. For example, you already know that your bird needs a healthy diet. While giving him the diet he requires for good health is necessary, it is just as necessary to be sure that you feed him the correct amount, making sure that he does not run out of food and fresh water, and do this on a regular basis.

Your pet bird’s need for exercise and play is a wonderful factor in his disposition and his relationship with you, but it is also necessary for his health and longevity. He needs to be able to stretch his wings, fly freely, and gain the benefits of clean air outside his cage on a regular basis. When you are consistent in providing him with these opportunities to exercise and play, you will be increasing his overall health and promoting his longevity.

You may not have thought about it this way, but the care and concern you show to your pet is beneficial to his health. Just like any other pet, or even humans, knowing that he is truly loved and cared about is as important for his physical health as it is to his relationship with you. A bird who is neglected, even if it is only because you are very busy and cannot find enough free time to spend with him, will lose his sense of overall well being. He will not be as vibrantly healthy, strong, and carefree, as the bird who has learned that you value him and your time with him.

No matter how hectic your everyday life may be, giving time to your bird each day will do wonders to keep him in good health and help him to live longer. If you think about it, you are putting an emotional investment into your new pet. You will grow to love him very quickly once he has been made a part of your home and family. When you make your new pet a part of your life, you want to do whatever it takes to keep him in the best of health, the happiest of spirits, and provide him with the chance to have a long life.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to do this for your new little friend. All it really takes is being dedicated to taking good care of him, knowing what you can expect, being prepared for a rare emergency, and, above all, thoroughly enjoying every minute of the time you spend with him.

When you keep these few points in mind, you will have a pet whom you will treasure for a long,
long time.

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